The species-being : an assumption in Marx s early political critique / O ser generico : pressuposto da critica da politica do jovem Marx




This study looks at the concept of species-being [Gattungswesen] as a critical assumption underlying the politics focused upon in Marx s Critique of Hegel s Philosophy of Right in 1843. The concept of species-being holds the spotlight in Marx s theory in works written between 1842 to 1846 as well as figures substantially as one of the key elements to interpreting Marx s thought during this period. The influence of Marx s statute of politicality gains greater reach in the critique that deconsecrates politics from the sacrosanct of the State and roots it in social life. The species-being as social being propitiates conditions for intelligibility in this process. This concept?s origin and the role that it plays in Marx?s theoretical framework are analyzed in terms of L. Feuerbach and G.W.F. Hegel s influence, thinkers who offer significant contributions to Marx?s political thought. Marx?s journalistic activities as a writer for the Rhénane Gazette led Marx to examine for the first time so-called material interests. Resulting from his new concern with economic issues was his break with the notion of the state as a rational institution. The State emerges from now on as an estranged political sphere, disconnected with social life and restricted to state activity. Marx comes to see politics in two senses: negatively as an estranged disintegration in generic will - political alienation; and positively as humanity s social action as species-being.


alienação (filosofia) politica gender politics genero alienation (philosophy)

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