The space as an epistemological matrix in communication / O espaço como matriz epistemológica na comunicação




This dissertation sustains the hypothesis that space operates as an epistemological matrix in communication processes considering two points of view: the first comes from the impact caused by communication technologies in the organization of space which, by breaking with the previous model of modernity, might have opened a crisis in its meaning. Crisis that is based on the belief that space virtuality finds itself exclusively in the technical means, and not fundamentally in the thought or in the forms of subjectivity that derive from it. The second point of view addresses the premise that epistemology itself, already in its Greek origin, possess a spatial matrix since it splits the world into rational speech (logos) and nature (physis). Spacing the thought makes possible to demarcate the borders between things, transforming nature into a mass of cognizable objects. Consequently, it makes possible to conceive the consciousness as interiority as much as an objectification of the world, which is intensified by the power of technique in creating an autonomous speech that no longer refers to its creator but to itself. On the other hand, that procedure leads to a forgetfulness of the body as a cognitive interface with the world becoming a spatialized thing instead of spatializing thing. Concerning communication, we presume two levels to achieve its understanding: as technical means and as an event . As technical means, we understand all the forms of communication that make use of a technical apparatus to take place. However, this definition, although conventional, does not exempt us from the difficulties of defining whatever a technical apparatus is or even what communication is. It is always possible to argue that language is a technique, displacing the impact that technical means of communication may have nowadays. Therefore, we seek, beyond the structures of language, specificity for technical means of communication that justify a change in the social, political and epistemological order. We believe that specificity can be found in the capacity of technical means to operate a space-time framework of nature. Regarding space, we think that this framework idea can be given by the visibility, proximity and continuity that technical means manipulate in the natural order of the events perception. By means of a technical order, events become possible through a technical device as the main interface with the world instead of the presence of the body as a mediator. Although each technical medium holds its specificity, communication carried out through those means looks to obey to that new order. If technical means hold that specificity, we suggest that communication as an event is also submitted to this spatial matrix since it depends on subjectivity to take place. Thus, it depends on the construction of a common space in a sense of belonging and shelter.


nature acontecimento body technique conceito concept natureza visibilidade event subjetividade corpo visibility subjectivity distance técnica distância

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