The solution structure of [d(CGC)r(aaa)d(TTTGCG)]2: hybrid junctions flanked by DNA duplexes


Oxford University Press


The solution structure and hydration of the chimeric duplex [d(CGC)r(aaa)d(TTTGCG)]2, in which the central hybrid segment is flanked by DNA duplexes at both ends, was determined using two-dimensional NMR, simulated annealing and restrained molecular dynamics. The solution structure of this chimeric duplex differs from the previously determined X-ray structure of the analogous B-DNA duplex [d(CGCAAATTTGCG)]2 as well as NMR structure of the analogous A-RNA duplex [r(cgcaaauuugcg)]2. Long-lived water molecules with correlation time τc longer than 0.3 ns were found close to the RNA adenine H2 and H1′ protons in the hybrid segment. A possible long-lived water molecule was also detected close to the methyl group of 7T in the RNA–DNA junction but not with the other two thymines (8T and 9T). This result correlates with the structural studies that only DNA residue 7T in the RNA–DNA junction adopts an O4′-endo sugar conformation, while the other DNA residues including 3C in the DNA–RNA junction, adopt C1′-exo or C2′-endo conformations. The exchange rates for RNA C2′-OH were found to be ~5–20 s–1. This slow exchange rate may be due to the narrow minor groove width of [d(CGC)r(aaa)d(TTTGCG)]2, which may trap the water molecules and restrict the dynamic motion of hydroxyl protons. The minor groove width of [d(CGC)r(aaa)d(TTTGCG)]2 is wider than its B-DNA analog but narrower than that of the A-RNA analog. It was further confirmed by its titration with the minor groove binding drug distamycin. A possible 2:1 binding mode was found by the titration experiments, suggesting that this chimeric duplex contains a wider minor groove than its B-DNA analog but still narrow enough to hold two distamycin molecules. These distinct structural features and hydration patterns of this chimeric duplex provide a molecular basis for further understanding the structure and recognition of DNA·RNA hybrid and chimeric duplexes.

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