The Smart Grid Concept in Oil & Gas Industries by a Field Trial of Data Communication in MV Power Lines


J. Microw. Optoelectron. Electromagn. Appl.




Abstract Nowadays, communication and networking technologies are essential for Oil & Gas industries in order to guarantee reliability, safety and low costs in the producing process. Information access and commands and set-points transmission from/to automation systems are challenging tasks mainly due to distributed production areas and hostile environments. This paper presents a field trial of broadband power line communication over an overhead medium voltage grid as a data transport employing 200 Mb/s BPL modems. Throughput, frequency response, physical speed and latency are some of the investigated network parameters. Experimental results obtained after propagation through 1.63 km of a multipath MV power grid reveal the viability of the BPL technology as an access network for video and automation data transport in onshore Oil & Gas industries.

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