The Seymour Fisher s contributions for the body image research / As contribuições de Seymour Fisher para os estudos em imagem corporal




Seymour Fisher, a north-American psychologist, was a researcher that during thirty years studied body image by a psychodynamic perspective. Either investigated themes like female sexuality, drugs, placebo and Freudian theory. With the exception of his “The female orgasm”, anymore books was translated to Portuguese. It was verified through data bases that in the Brazilian Physical Education, there is no these neither dissertation that refers to Fisher’s findings. This failure can cause the repetition of the same research that he had realized and the development of new research that will not consider his ideas. The aim of this dissertation was to systematize the Fisher’s knowledge throughout bibliographical research. The following data bases were accessed: MedLine/PubMed, PsycInfo, Bireme, Scopus, Acervus, Dedalus, Athena e Google. It was found 17 books and 209 article published by Fisher e collaborators. Also, it was found other documents that brought information about his life and carrier. The reading of their body image publications could present the concepts that he developed concerning body perception and specifics cases of distortions in body perception, body boundary and its defense function, general body awareness that one have about he own body and assignment of meaning to specific body areas. Fisher studied the way the body image interferes in the human behavior and the way the behavior and the body experience shape the body image. He treated, specifically, the body perception, the body boundaries and the body awareness dimensions. Then he correlated these dimensions with the processes of adaptation, satisfaction/dissatisfaction with own body, body anxiety and defense mechanisms, in the same way that considered the role placed by the personality and the culture in the interface of this relationship. Thus, his intent was to detail the complex phenomenon that is the body experience. The present work brings relevant and important contributions for the Brazilian body image researchers.


imagem corporal body perception body image body boundary body experience body awareness

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