The second negation of the work process / A segunda negação do processo de trabalho




This work searchs to analyze as if it gave the process of subordination of the work to the capital since century XVI until the present. The starting point of the analysis is the simple cooperation and the manufacture. In this situation, the worker only is formal subordinate to the capital. This if gives for the prolongation of the hours of working and for the necessity to keep certain productivity in accordance with the law of the competition and with the global process of production. As the moment is of the great industry, that started the first industrial revolution after. It is in this period where the real subordination of the work to the capital occurs. Or better, the worker loses the subjectivity that he possessed with handling of its instruments of work after the introduction of the machinery in the productive process, is the first negation of the work process. With the machinery, the manual instruments of the workers are absorbed by the machine. With this, the work is objectified in the capital having decreed the way of capitalist production properly said. The last phase of this process of subordination if gives nowadays, but it has its beginning with the crisis in the capitalism in the end of the Sixties. One is about the intellectual subordination of the work to the capital where the man is placed to the side of the machine. With the machines of programmable control and the continuous production the second negation of the work process occurs. The conditions are created so that the man is subject of the production process.


subordinação work capital subordination capital trabalho

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