The rally Center: labour and the political crisis trough the press in Brazil(1961-1964) / O comício da Central: trabalhismo e luta política através da imprensa no Brasil (1961-1964)




On March 13th 1964, a political rally headed up by then president João Goulart gained enormous traction in political circles, in the press and in civilian society. It was the expression of a conflict that began with the election of João Goulart, in August/September 1961. In a context of strong social demands, growing political awareness and social and political polarization, the rally of Central explores the construction of new political spaces in the name of furthering the expansion of democracy. In this conjuncture, among 1961 and 1964, the periodic ones if detach as medias of bigger reach, deeply engaged in the conflict politician. Thus, the space of the press constitutes a privileged field of fight in the dispute of the conquest of the public opinion and its main actors also become citizens of the process politician. Through the critical analysis of this past recent politician one expects to bring new questions to the debate description-politician. It is looked to extend the possibilities of comment of arguments and forces that, time or another one, act in the direction to delay the implantation of a ampler and steady democracy in Brazil.


presidentes - brasil (1961-1964: joão goulart) political crisis governo joão goulart trabalhismo - história - 1961-1964 labor trabalhismo crise política joão goulart government historia brasil - política e governo - história - 1961-1964

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