The principle of abilitys in the formation of Christian educators: analysis and contribution for the Baptist onvention of Sao Paulo State / O Princípio de Competências na Formação de Educadores Cristãos: análise e contribuição para a Convenção Batista do Estado de São Paulo




The aspects of this study was to present elements to guarantee a competent christian education, involving the chistian formation for the citizenship practice in the society. This study emphasizes a systematization through educational abilities in the attempt to give a new point of vew to the christian education on baptist churches. This competences, if well implanted and coordinated, will contribute for the christian teacher formation. He, mabe a Bible School teacher or a leader of any departament/ministry of the church, when well prepared, will give necessary subsidies to the christian formation, not just in the church, but to qualify him as a society participant, a citizen. The structural analysis of the christian education defined for Baptist churches affiliated to Sao Paulo Baptist Convention have been done through documents generated by this organ and bibliographical survey. The use of books in theology and education and alternative materials, as journals, bouletins, and other medias have been the base for this structure. An analysis of the profile and the educational actions of Sao Paulo Baptist Convention, from 1990 to 2003, will be directed for the formation of the christian-citizen and a new proposal of education for abilities from Geneve Referencial based on Philippe Perrenoud texts aiming at the formation of christian educators for the chosen church.(AU)


práxis religiosa educação principles religious praxis ability and formation christian education princípios igreja batista educação cristã ciencias humanas baptist church education competência e formação

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