The presence of evolucionist and creacionist theories in high school subjects (Geography, History and Biology) : a survey of contents in classroom under the teachers view / A presença do evolucionismo e do criacionismo em disciplinas do Ensino Medio (Geografia, Historia e Biologia) : um mapeamento de conteudos na sala de aula sob a otica dos professores




This research aims to know the educational profile, and classroom practices related to Evolutionism and Creationism put forward by High school teachers. This study was motivated by the author s professional experience as teacher of geography in High and Elementary School, when she faced resistance from the students, and difficulties to teach the theme "Origins of the Universe". The research focused on the aspects of educational practices adopted by High School teachers of Biology, Geography, and History working in public, and private schools in Campinas, and region. A questionnaire was developed, and used to investigate some characteristics of the practices adopted by these teachers in classroom, and also the images they eventually use in teaching both theories


criacionismo evolução professores - ensino creationism praticas educativas educationa practices teachers evolucionism

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