The postpartum maternal depression: some comprehensions and others fogs / A depressão materna do pós-parto: algumas compreensões e outros nevoeiros




The psychological and medical clinics have evidenced that a significant part of the women go through some form of depression after childbirth. Researches show that Puerperal depression occurs in 10-15% of women in the general population; in 60% of these women it represents the first severe form of depression. This case study intends to understand the psychodynamism in the puerperal depression, its etiology and its significance in the mothers history. The clinical material presented is from a psychological evaluation process that had continuity with a psychoanalytical clinical work. The theoretical work was based on general bibliographical research and psychoanalysis authors. We researched about the diagnosis of the puerperal depression and its etiology. We discussed about the environment and the societies (historically) interference in the intercurrences of the maternity, such as depression. We also recognized that the way each postpartum women history life constitutes would excessively influence in the childbirth and in the puerperal. The maternity reactivates the infancy experiences and, mainly, the primary of the psychic life. The puerperal depression can appear as result of imperfections in the primitive emotional development of the postpartum women, mainly with those related to the experience of the depressive position, to the primary narcissism and the constitution of superego, and, especially, to the experience had in her birth. The puerperal depression and maternity study are very important because it contributes with the clinical practice, with all professionals involved with mental health, and with the organizations that searches for general population intervention


depressão materna psicanálise disturbios puerperais puerperal depression psychoanalyze depressão puerperal depressao pos-parto depressao mental postpartum depression saúde da mulher maternidade maternal depression womens health psicologia

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