The parenthood in homosexual families with children: a phenomenological research of gays and lesbians experiences / A parentalidade em famílias homossexuais com filhos: um estudo fenomenológico da vivência de gays e lésbicas




At present, we are witnessing multiple family forms such as nuclear families, single parent families, and reconstructed families with biological and/or adopted children. Among these we find homosexual families. There is a shortage of works about those families. We strongly perceive the presence of prejudice and discrimination concerning homosexual questions with respect to more diverse segments and social contexts, especially about the homosexuality issue and how it would influence in the children?s education. Our goal is to understand how homosexuals between 20 and 55 years experience fatherhood, motherhood, and/or kinship and what meanings they attribute to these. The phenomenology anchored in the philosophy of of Bubers dialogue was the theoretical-methodology referential referred to and adopted in this research to reach the proposed goal. Six men and nine homosexual women, with biological and/or adopted children, who formed single parent, adopted, rebuilt or nuclear families were interviewed. The results aim towards a greater socio-economic and psychological preparation for the arrival of an infant, especially when the wish to have a child occurs after consciousness of the homosexuality and/or the formation of the conjugal homosexual link. The parental function is exercised by both, with nuances from the intersubjective relationship of ME-YOU. Situations of prejudice, especially as regards the sexual papers examined for this research are also related, as well as the expression of homosexuality, in the families of origin, at work among friends, in which could be decreased through the experience and knowing of the situations experienced. Some of the collaborators showed during the study an internalized homophobia, mainly in relation to his/her own homosexuality, which approach them to the principle ME-IT. The heterocentric model of family appears in the speech as well as the lack of homosexual families references.


gays and lesbian parents homosexual parenthood parentalidade homossexual buber fenomenologia phenomenology famílias homossexuais gays e lésbicas com filhos

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