The parenthood clinic: early and psychoprophylactic attending care towards physical and mental health. / A clínica da parentalidade: atendimentos precoces e psicoprofiláticos em direção à saúde física e mental




This paper discusses the conceptions and interventions proposed by the Parenthood Clinic as a health promoting basis. The disharmony between parents-baby revealed during the visits to the pediatrician can arise from conflicts of the parentspsychism and interfere in the emotional availability necessary to the practice of preventive parenthood against pathologies and global development disorders. The method used was the open interview with six pediatricians according to their different personal ways: allopathy, psychoanalysis, anthroposophy, acupuncture, family. We based ourselves on the hypothesis that by knowing better the pedriatricians experience, it is possible to put same, during the consultation, into interdisciplinary dialogue with the findings available in the literature about the Parenthood Clinic developed by psychologists and psychoanalysts. The discussion of the material was effected using the winnicottan concepts and the more debated subjects in papers already published on Parenthood. We concluded that the disharmony between parents-baby reveals itself under the form of dysfunctional symptoms in the child or the caregiver. The pediatriciansintervention includes advice and encouragement to the parents, however there is no symbolic elaboration of the symptom, leaving the baby or even the foetus defenseless against more complex parental conflicts but that affect its health, with possibilities of affective, social and cognitive limitations in the adult phase. Vulnerabilities in the building of parenthood, since gestation, can hinder the caregivers emotional availability to follow the doctors advice and the practice of a healthy parenting. The interviews with the pediatricians brought evidences that they cannot treat the dysfunctional symptoms like a psychoanalyst due to their formation, the time and frequency of the puericulture consultation, but can understand them as a psychoanalyst can, promoting more integrating interdisciplinary interventions for the human coming about


psicanalise pais e filhos saude parentalidade parenthood psicologia saude mental intervenção precoce nas desarmonias da relação pais-bebê early intervention in the disharmony of theparents-baby relationship prevenção na saúde prevention in health pais e lactentes

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