The nurse´s background and the managerial practice in health work: outlining paths for the transforming praxis / A formação e a prática gerencial do enfermeiro para o trabalho em saúde: delineando caminhos para a práxis transformadora




This study is about the construction of managerial knowledge as well as the configuration of managerial competences for nurses during their academic graduation. It aims: to analyze the managerial demands of nurses? professional praxis involved in the process of organizing the health and Nursing work, determined by Health Policies, and to analyze the process of building managerial competences upon Nursing academicians, understanding the limitations and strategies occurred from the teaching and learning process. It is a research founded upon dialectic-Hermeneutics. The technique of the focal group is used in the data collection with, the student, the professor and the nurse on shift, participants on the teaching-learning process of the managerial knowledge, in the interceding space, in the fields of practice and curricular training, in the hospital environment and in the basic health-care services. The analysis of the contents applied to the results identifies two great empirical categories. Within the formation category the following subcategories are embodied: - building up the managerial knowledge dimensions: a teaching-learning process comprising the relation between theory and practice, the strategies of teaching-learning and the individuals? competences in this process; as well as the conformation of managerial competences, face the National Curricular Directives, comprehending the professional?s profile: the required and the possible, and the teaching and service partnerships. Within the professional performance category, it is identified the subcategory as follows: the organization of the working process in health and Nursing, dismembered in the nurse?s managerial work and in the institutional administrative policies. The analytic categories are founded on three main theoretic axis; so that, in the structural dimension it is considered the proximity of empirical data to the context of the transformations determined by the Health Policies regarding the work organization in health and Nursing, and also the present assistance and managerial models. In the private dimension, the Education Policy through the National Curricular Directives and the Pedagogical Project of the course, that outline the nurse?s graduation profile seeking to adjust education to praxis, under a transforming view, attending to social and life demands. And also, in the singular dimension, the Administration Teaching in Nursing, in the techno-scientific, the ethic-politics and the communicative competences as well as in citizenship development in which the Supervised Curricular Training Program is considered as an interceding space between theory and practice for the configuration of new managerial competences and the consolidation of those already acquired. The results point out that in the nurse?s background and praxis coexist the antagonistic paradigms in the teaching and service institutions, which still follow hegemonic models, in health and Education. They present some improvements towards integrality in the caring dimension applying the pedagogic strategy of shaping the problems from the daily situations, and towards the teaching-service integration. It?s considered that for the configuration of managerial competences, under a transforming perspective, it is necessary to strengthen the teaching and service partnership, within the inter-institutional ambit, to increase adhesion between the subjects to this study, and create a new supporting network, approximating the other professionals, and the customers, building up collectively the graduation and the praxis, turned toward social an life demands


managerial work process administração em enfermagem professional competence processo de trabalho gerencial educação em enfermagem administration in nursing competência profissional education in nursing

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