The notion of eloquence in De doctrina christiana of Agostinho de Hipona / A noção de eloqüência no De doctrina christiana de Agostinho de Hipona




This dissertation is about the philosophical thinking of Augustine of Hippo in relation to the beauty of speech and the usefulness of rhetoric and eloquence, themes that appear in Book IV of De doctrina christiana (On Christian Teaching) and therefore within the reflection on the ideal of education typically Christian. In Antiquity, although the eloquence was intrinsically linked to the rhetorical art, this issue, for Augustine, it must be treated in connection with some directions of Christian moral philosophy and theology, located beyond the technique. In comparison to the antique ideal of Roman oratory, especially the Ciceronian, the greater importance given by Augustine to the Christian Bible, that is, to the wisdom and morality of the biblical authors, bring new meaning to the term eloquence. Moreover, the learning of oratory, which was based on the doctrine and habit, this time is summed up by Augustine and transmitted according to a radical method of imitation, whose models have to be the biblical and ecclesiastical writers, those inspired by God and rewarded with union between eloquence and wisdom.


retórica oratory augustine of hippo rhetoric oratória eloquence eloqüência agostinho de hipona

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