The monetary thought of Henry Thornton in 1802 and 1810 / O pensamento monetário de Henry Thornton em 1802 e em 1810




LAIDLER (1987b)?s indication that though Henry Thornton?s policy stance had changed between 1802 and 1810, his underlying analytical views weren?t any different hadn?t received enough attention from the specialized literature. We aim to study here if and in which measure this perspective is corroborated. However the investigation path chosen is not merely restricted to an analytical theoretical comparison between the two views supported by the author in the corresponding years. In order to understand with greater accuracy his monetary ideas, it?s necessary to place them in their original historical and analytical context, considering the most regarded banking and monetary paradigms of Great Britain in that time. Attention will also be placed in the Committees of which Thornton was a member, like the Irish Currency Committee, in 1804, and the Bullion Committee, in 1810. The base in relation to we compare the ideas of the author in both periods is his work An Enquiry into the Nature and Effects of the Paper Credit of Great Britain, of 1802, and his speeches made in may 1811 about the Bullion Report, which was published a year earlier.


history of economic thought economy - theory monetary theory teoria econômica economic theory economia - teoria teoria monetária história do pensamento econômico

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