The modular strategy implications in the capability process and in the transfer of product development activities among the first and second tier suppliers of the automotive chain. / Implicações da estratégia modular no processo de capacitação e na transferência de atividades de desenvolvimento de produto entre os fornecedores de nível 1 e 2 da cadeia automotiva.




The new product development in the context of the modular strategy implies in a redistribution of the inherent activities of this process, being based on the decomposition and division of the project tasks developed among the assemblers and theirs suppliers. In accordance to this context, the present work investigate the implications of the modular strategy in the transference processes related to the Product Development (PD) activities that happens between the 1rst and 2nd tier of the automotive chain. The research is developed by the approach of multiple case studies, carried through in four companies of the automotive sector. The maturity level of modular competences on these suppliers in such a way determines, at the same time, the processes of transference of activities and the suppliers involvement in the product development activities. In accordance with the analysis of this work was possible identify that the modular strategy is promoting the improvement in the relationship among the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturers) and the suppliers positioned in the modular stages of development and maturity. The research identified that the modular maturity level implies in the involvement level in PD projects of the OEM with the system of partnership and with the sharing of investment risks.


new products planejamento estratégico eficácia organizacional estratégia organizacional (modelos) desempenho organizacional product development administração estratégica automotive engineering automobilistic industry

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