The meaning of the care for the hospitalized child / O significado do cuidado para a criança hospitalizada




This qualitative study was conducted having hospitalized children from 7 to 12 years old as participants. The research using the Symbolic Interactionism as theoretical framework and Oral History as methodological approach, aimed to understand the meaning of caring to the child living the hospitalization. Data were obtained from participant observation, drawing and interviews with the children and also with the mothers, as informants of the child experience. Four themes emerged from the interpretation process: Worrying when the illness arises and changes the regular caring; Noticing changes in my caring during the ilness and hospitalization; Describing the meaning of caring in illness and hospitalization; Revealing my feelings in preparation for returning to my regular caring in life. This research allowed a reflection about the caring experienced by hospitalized children and the impact of words as kindly, help and actions have in their lives and in their interactions mediated by caring


comprehensive health care história oral enfermagem pediátrica oral history hospitalized child criança hospitalizada pediatric nursing cuidados integrais de saúde

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