The "legislative suggestion" addressed to the Commission of Participative Legislation of the House of Commons: a new form for popular initiative / A "sugestão legislativa" perante a Comissão de Legislação Participativa da Câmara dos Deputados: nova forma de iniciativa popular




The "legislative suggestion" addressed to the Commission of Participative Legislation of the House of Commons constitutes a valuable and facilitating instrument for the people to influence the Legislative Power directly in innovating the legal system and it means a new form for popular initiative foreseen in the Constitution and, further, it may contribute to the accomplishment of participative democracy


democracia participativa distrito federal (brasil) - câmara legislativa participação política commission of participative legislation of the house of commons ciência política citizenship comissão de legislação participativa da câmara dos deputados permanent commissions of the house of commons comissões permanentes da câmara dos deputados legislative suggestion direito constitucional poder legislativo sociedade civil - brasil political science sugestão legislativa popular initiative of law cidadania iniciativa popular de lei participative democracy legislative power

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