The lands of all and their owners: unfoldings of articulations and partnerships between Non-Governmental Organizations ( NGOs) and Protected Areas / As terras de todos e seus donos: desdobramentos possíveis das articulações e parcerias entre sociedade civil, organizações não governamentais (ONGs) e unidades de conservação (UCs).




This dissertation is the product of a bibliographical research in which the nature conservation forms are questioned. Many alternatives of natural resources management with communitary participation are shown specially as partnerships with the organized civil society in the form of representative Non-Governmental Organizations. Concrete examples of Brazilian Conservation Areas in the Amazon region, where, in different ways, partnerships and participatory management have been implemented with satisfactory success, are displayed in order to rethink, among other things, the future needs of Conservation Areas creation or the most appropriate form of really achieving biodiversity and sociodiversity conservation. Many different alternatives are presented in an attempt of responding to the always broader preservationist speech through which traditional populations are deprived of ancient rights they hold over their spaces and traditions, while natural resources are being gradually extinguished, being deforestation an example of the paradox of our conservationist policy and actions. There is also the intention of showing that if not well established, community participation can, differently from what is said, be manipulated in favor of the dissociation of its goals and disarticulation of the so questioned environmentalist movement. Concepts like democracy, participation, citizenship, civil society, partnerships, among others are questioned in an attempt of broadening the debate on the common properties appropriation, under the scope of development.


protected areas unidades de conservação parcerias partnerships non-governmental organizations gestão compartilhada shared management organizações não governamentais

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