The knowledge of team members of the Family Health Program about physical activity, health and environment / OS CONHECIMENTOS ACERCA DE ATIVIDADE FÍSICA, SAÚDE E AMBIENTE DOS TRABALHADORES DAS EQUIPES DO PROGRAMA SAÚDE DA FAMÍLIA




Physical activity is one of the ways of human manifestation that refers to movement. It is a content of the physical education that comprehends the corporal culture of people and groups and it presents itself as a path of possibilities in the construction of health, but it can not be seen without its social- environmental aspects. The present study aims to identify the knowledge on physical activity, health and environment, through the process of work of the team members of the Family Health Program in the city of Rio Grande. A traverse cut survey guided by descriptive exploratory and analytical-quantitative character was accomplished and it studied the knowledge regarding to physical activity, health and environment of the team members who work nowadays at the Family Health Program in the city of Rio Grande, searching for a general view of their reality. In that perspective a questionnaire containing 10 questions with four or more alternative answers using a growing scale of importance with grades from zero to ten, and an opened question .122 workers took part in the study (doctors, nurses, technicians and health agents).The analysis process identified the workers previous knowledge on physical activity, health and environment but it was also noticed that most concepts have a biological basis .It was also possible to visualize a public health program in effective operation and to know the profile of the workers acting in those services. In this sense Physical Education can contribute to demystify some concepts in the relationship physical activity, health and environment enabling the worker to become a citizen and consequently being able to accomplish his role in society.


environment saúde ambiente health educação física atividade física physical activity physical education conhecimentos enfermagem knowledge

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