The interpretation (to reveal and to hide senses): joints between the Pêcheuxs discourse analysis and the Lacan-oriented psychoanalysis. / A interpretação (revelar e esconder sentidos): articulações entre análise do discurso e psicanálise lacaniana




The aim of this work is to promote possible connections between two indiciary disciplines, the Pêcheuxs discourse analysis (DA) and the Lacan-oriented psychoanalysis, departing from the interpretation concept. The works of Pêcheux in DA and Lacan in psychoanalysis bring a distinct position to crucial concepts of this research. It was also used the Authier-Revuzs works about discursive heterogeneity, in which DA and psychoanalysis articulate, especially in questions referring to the Other and the production of discourse. Along with the theory, we adopted the analysis of oral fiction narratives with the intention to point the contribution of the interpretation in DA and in psychoanalysis for the advance of the indiciary paradigm and also to return in the analysis from data to theory, in a constant check-up of concepts. It was seen, in the analysis, a junction of central concepts of these two disciplines such as ideology, unconscious, desire and the Other. There are points where the DA advances and the psychoanalysis stops. The DA leaves aside the unconscious mind and concentrates in the social part of the subject and what he says, however it is known that the question of the unconscious mind is only left aside, but is always present in the Pêcheuxs works (as on the two forgetting incidents). The psychoanalysis on the other hand leaves aside what is external to the discourse, not contemplating the part exerted by the ideology on the subject, for example. Such statements point to a harmony between the interpretation in DA and in psychoanalysis, having as final product the psychoanalytical-discursive analyst. This new analyst uses points of approach between DA and psychoanalysis positioning himself in front of a discourse that is marked by the slips of the subject of the unconscious and of the subject of the ideology. Therefore, theres no birth of a new theory, but a new theoretical position that aims to give to the data in Human Sciences and, particularly to the studies about the discourse, "a more complete" way of approaching the questions linked to the subjects desire and his position in the society where he lives. A "more complete" way that is without a doubt incomplete, as incomplete as the subjects and the discourses we analyze.


análise do discurso discourse analysis interpretation narrativas orais. psicanálise lacaniana interpretação oral narratives. psychoanalysis

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