The infantile beyond (psycho)pedagogical basis: psychoanalytical concepts for a reflection about education. / O infantil além dos princípios (psico) pedagógicos: conceitos da psicanálise para uma reflexão sobre a educação.




This work belongs to the field of possible connections between psychoanalysis and education. It focuses the pedagogical determination to predict, control and justify whatever happens between adults and children. Based on the concepts provided by Freuds legacy, we try to circumscribe the most irreductible thing that insist in the unconscious and that resists the orthopedic actions which aim to obtain "happy, wealthy winners" and "fully developed individuals". With this purpose, we have chosen to work with the psychoanalytical concept of infantile. This notion guides us through an investigation about the misunderstandings that take place in an educational situation. It also rouses a relevant discussion about the (psycho)pedagogical intentions to eliminate all possible crisis and inconsistencies. In psychoanalisysis, the infantile is related to the concepts of sexuality, desire, neurosis, and other key notions presented by Freud. It is a no symbolized remaining that came from a traumatic situation in which the infans experience an excessive and threatening amount of energy that his psyche (still in constitution) can not deal without the intervention of an other (the mother). These memory traces of helplessness prevail actively in the unconscious, causing effects beyond the principle of pleasure. This way, the psychoanalytical epistemology can provoke the questioning of the illusions that, inspired by (psycho)pedagogical basis, wishes to get rid of all infantile conflicts. On the other hand, psychoanalysis allows us to understand certain transformations that the language can operate on the subject. Psychoanalysis also clarifies the effects that the words addressed by an adult to a child can have, even though these effects can never be foreseen by pedagogical planning.


linguagem psicanálise pulsão desenvolvimento language psicologia psychology pedagogy development. psychoanalysis drive infantil education infantile educação pedagogia

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