The indetermination of subject in portuguese: from verb to discourse / A indeterminação dos sujeito em português: do verbo ao discurso




In this work, we study the structures in Portuguese language where occurs the so called indetermination of the subject. From the analysis of texts published in periodicals of great circulation in the states of Rio De Janeiro and São Paulo, we analyse the main syntactic, semantic and discoursive characteristics of the indetermination of the subject, distinguishing it from the semantic role played by the subject (usually, agent). We emphasize the importance of analysing the verb and its properties to give a better account of the phenomenon of indetermination. We search the main concepts of subject and indetermination of the subject in several scholars works on Portuguese. We compare them and verify the criteria (syntactic, semantic, morphological and discoursive) implied in the expression indetermination of subject . Besides, we search in schoolbooks and grammars how the subject is introduced, its definitions, the exercises etc., in order to be able to compare them and to reflect on them


língua portuguesa gramática gramática cognitiva verb verbo língua portuguesa verbos indeterminação do sujeito discours linguística estrutural língua portuguesa sujeito e predicado indetermination of the subject língua portuguesa voz passiva análise do discurso discurso lingua portuguesa

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