The implications of the conservative modernization process in the structure and agricultural activities in the Central-South Region of Goias / As implicações do processo de modernização conservadora na estrutura e nas atividades agropecuarias da Região Cetro-Sul de Goias




The purpose of this research is to understand the implications of the modernization process in the conservative structure and agricultural activities in the central-south region of the state of Goiás. For this, the view taken is that the central-south region of Goiás is a specific case, but not only of the process of modernization conservative and not even of the Ignacio Rangel?s assertion that there is no need for structural changes in land for expansion and diversification of structure production and supply of agricultural goods. To achieve the goal proposed in the research, technical resources of the research literature and public documents were used and adopted by the analytical descriptive method. The results show that the implications of the modernization process in the conservative structure and agricultural activities in the region of Goiás promoted the increase of production and productivity of agricultural goods. This fact has been important because it contribute for the penetration of market tradings companies from the region of Goiás which contribute for the marketing of agricultural commodities. Together with programs of tax incentive (PRODUZIR e FOMENTAR) and the FCO, from the middle 80?s, there was a penetration process of companies with international capital, national and regional levels in the research field which helped the diversification process of production, especially with agribusiness complex of meat, grain, dairy and sucroalcooleiro?s industry. Meanwhile, the progress of modernization of agriculture caused the reduction of the population living in the rural sector that went to urban and industrial sector looking for jobs, a fact that created a structural gap in the labour market, encouraging, thus, for exclusion of significant portions of the labour market and causing a reduction in the rate of salary. In turn, this whole process of changes in economic activities in the central-south region of Goiás happened in a land structure that was marked, over time history, for be concentrated on medium and large-scale farming. Therefore, the economic phenomenon occurred in the central-south region of Goiás state was established as a real case, but not the only one with political, economic and social conservative implications of the modernization process, since there was the modernization of large farm production and diversification without the existence of a division of land structure as Ignacio Rangel stressed in his assertion


diversificação na agricultura - goias (estado) diversification of production estrutura agraria agricultural innovations inovações agricolas - goias (estado ) land structure

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