The heaven chicken : the knowledge of the figureiras of Taubate / O galinho do ceu : os saberes das figureiras de Taubate




This Essay seeks to understand the processes of transgenerationa transmission of knowledge inside the community of Figureiras of Taubaté. These popular artists, work with the clay shaping it in simple forms that, with colorful paints, make the christmas praesepio and they hold an artistic knowledge that is thought through generations, at least, for a hundred years. To get the context in with this kind of popular art develops was necessary to know the historic evolution of the ceramic artscraft in the Paraíba river Valley. The archeological researches that were done in the region show the human presence since the XIII century. Those groups used to produce ceramic artefacts and, possibily, they are the matrix of the ceramic poduction in the region, that evolved fro the utilitary ceramic to the decorative ceramic, transiting by the devotional ceramic which is the ground for the figureira art. With the aid of the biografic method we look, by the memories of those artists, to build a narrative that reveals the process of learning of this group and that express the exchanges of knowledge betwen tha generations. When we explore their learning process memories we can understand that the Figureiras of Taubaté learn inside the proximity relations, they might be within the families, within the neighbors or by the godfathership. This experience in the non-formal education occurs with afetuos relations betwenn the generations and naturally happens betwen an older artist and a child that belong to the family bonds. Thera are many steps for an aprendice become a master and for achieve that status she has to master every phase of the making of the clay sculpture, that begins in the extracting of the clay from the soil( whether this is not necessary done anymore), to the painting of each piece, following traditional settings, including hers personal touch, which demands in an evolution in the final form of the sculptures


historia oral oral history non-formal education popular art vale do paraiba memory vale do paraiba educação não-formal artesanato memoria

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