The faces of the system putting out the work : a study with workers of the making of clothes of Cianorte and area / As faces da subcontratação do trabalho : um estudo com trabalhadoras e trabalhadores da confecção de roupas de Cianorte e região




The sector of clothes confection in Cianorte - Paraná configures itself as a net of decentralization characterized by the redimension of the subcontracted work (cooperative of faction, accomplished home, formal, informal) and by intensive presence of the women s exploiting work. His verification impelled us to investigate the reasons that took this sector to intensify this net of subcontracted work and the characteristics of the workers employed in this segment to start the charges provoked by the productive restructuring action. The municipal district in study comprehends a recent and productive agglomerate (APL) which maintains a standard of regional specialization of jeans production and of female clothes ("little fashion"). The search looked for understanding the redimension among the several kinds of contracts of work, some traditionally present in this sector as a faction, occurred with the process of productive and local charges which survives to the fast charges caused by the mode in a context of significative flexibility, supported tat the expense of the crescent exploration of many workers (men and women) without register in employment book. It looked for itself with this search to understand the historical process the clothes industrialization in the city, the formal and informal worker s profile and that find themselves in the condition of unemployeds (men and women), to know the consequences provoked by the process of flexibility, informality and decentralization, in the conditions and relations of work that involve in particular, the women, to understand the reasons of the persistence of the women s work in the factions and in home; to understand that new elements characterize this productive sector in the region, giving special attention to the questions of gender, and to the sexual division of work in the formal enterprises in the factions, home and in the cooperatives in way to show how the relations alter themselves among the links of the chain, and also the use of the men s and women s work in each of them. Among the discoveries of the search, we detach the occurrence of a "new informality", "no-transitory", that can be understood as relations of work that conserve traditional aspects, but they are associated to the new process of subcontracted work, in which invigorate the precariousness and the illegality, as example of these new configurations, to be proper mention the called "male factions" of personification of jeans trousers and the cooperatives of sewing and embroidery formed in neighboring districts as resources of the enterprises in search of the reduction of costs. In synthesis, if by a side, the process of restructuring of the confections in region of Cianorte enlarged the mechanisms of flexibility and modernization of clothes production, by other, intensified the precarious of work, especially for the women, combining new strategies of organization of the production with the maintenance of ancient forms of work


subcontracted company modernization cooperatives cooperativas informal sector subcontratação empresas - modernização setor informal

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