The electromyographic study of masseter muscle in patients after surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion / Estudo eletromiográfico do músculo masseter em indivíduos submetidos à expansão rápida de maxila cirurgicamente assistida




Nowadays, a significant part of the national population presents alterations of the maxilomandibular relationship, denominated bad occlusion. The main alteration of the facial growth found in the adults is the transverse deficiency of maxillary. The correction of this deficiency is accomplished through a surgical procedure denominated. These surgeries cause a change in the muscular activity, mainly in those muscles responsible for closing mandible, in which stands out the masséter muscle. These muscular alterations last 30 days on average, where clinically it is noticed the decrease of the force or muscular potential of closing the jaw. This work evaluates, through the electromyography exam, the effects of the surgical assisted rapid maxillary expansion on the patientsmuscles masseters. Twenty patients were evaluated four times: 7 days before surgery; and 7, 30 and 60 days after surgery. The evaluation was done during the maximum voluntary isometric contraction on a cotton piece. The activity of the muscle diminished 7 days after surgery to 13, 7% of the initial activity. Nevertheless, 30 and 60 days after surgery, there was a recovery to 26, 7 and 94, 9%, respectively.


técnica de expansão palatina rapid palatal expansion technique masseter muscle anatomia transversal músculo masseter electromyographic eletromiografia transverse anatomy

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