The effects of low power laser irradiation on the regeneration of the common fibular nerve in rat submitted to a crush lesion. / Os efeitos da irradiação com laser de baixa potência na regeneração do nervo fibular comum do rato submetido a lesão por esmagamento




Peripheral nerve regeneration is a natural process, which requires a long period to complete, with a few evidences that physical agents including laser, can speed it up. The main objective of this investigation was to analyze the influence of low power laser (AsGaAL) irradiation on nerve regeneration, in a model of crush injury of the common fibular nerve of rats. A secondary objective was to evaluate the concordance between the fibular (PFI) and sciatic (SFI) nerves functional indexes, according to the methods proposed by two different research groups. Thirty-five Wistar rats (130 days of age, 240 g average body mass) were used and divided into four groups in total, be three groups of ten animals each, according to the procedure carried out (1: crush injury, no treatment; 2: crush injury, sham irradiation; 3: crush injury, effective irradiation), and a group of five untouched animals, for normal control. The crush injury was obtained by the application of a 5 kgf load for 10 minutes, using a spring forceps especially built for this purpose. Laser irradiation was started on the first postoperative day and continued for 21 consecutive days, using a commercially available continuous emission equipment (100 mW intensity, 830 nm wave length, 140 J/cm2 dose) and the transcutaneous punctual contact method. The results were appraised for the measure of the speed of the gait of the animal and of the functional index of the fibular (PFI, de peroneal functional index). Body mass, walking speed and the functional indexes were measured before the operation and on the 21st postoperative day, the functional indexes using a specific software especially developed for this purpose and the two different methods mentioned above. The results showed that the body mass increased while speed decreased with time for all groups, but without statistical significance. The PFI increased in all groups according to the two methods of evaluation used and more markedly in Group 3, although without statistical significance, period pre and post-operative. Moderate concordance was showed between PFI and SFI, higher in the post-treatment than in the preoperative evaluation, meaning that, although not recommendable, the SFI can be used to evaluate the fibular nerve. We concludes that low power laser irradiation influence the regeneration of the crush fibular nerve of rats, as measured by the peroneal functional index.


crush injury nervo fibular walking track analysis. avaliação funcional da marcha. peripheral nerves fibular nerve low power laser irradiation nervos periféricos lesão por esmagamento laser de baixa potência

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