The effect of culture on ultrastructure of dissociated rabbit adenohypophysial cells.


Cells from the rabbit pars distalis and pars intermedia have been cultured in several ways. In clump cultures the glandular adenohypophysial cells of the primary clump remain identifiable for long periods. Both acidophil and mucoid cells can be maintained in this way for over 50 days. During this time two different modes of granule extrusion are observed, one being found only in acidophil cells and the other being exclusive to mucoid cells. From this it is concluded that specific release of secretory products from these cells can occur in the absence of hypothalmic control. A special form of collagenous fibre is produced in clump cultures. Monolayer cell cultures are derived either from isolated adenohypophysial cells or from secondarily aggregated clumps, but in either case the predominant cells are fibroblasts, which persist for over 50 days (as isolated cultures) and for over 90 days (as spreads from clumps). Rounded cells can be recognized as a separate type in isolated cell culture.

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