The discursive path of violence in Paper Men, by Plínio Marcos / O percurso discursivo da violência em Homens de Papel, de Plínio Marcos




Our purpose in this work is to follow the paths covered by violence in the speech of Plínio Marcos characters, in Paper Men. In this sense we defend the thesis that, violence follows a different way in the action of the oppressor and in the action of the oppressed.. To prove our intent, we rely on the theoretical support of the Ethno Methodological Conversation Analysis, Interactional Sociolinguistics and Speech Analysis. Having this in mind, we designed the analysis of the characters language, taking into account the interaction context, increasing the value of linguistics and extra linguistics facts that are important for the production of sense effects. Among these facts, there are factors related to social identity and to internal conditions which contribute to the onset of violence in the speech. We start from the assumption that the violent action of the oppressor is calculated and measured whereas the action of the oppressed is impulsive and hasty. In this way, we try to show how the intention represents a decisive factor in producing sense effects within the language usage. In the voice of the oppressor, the intention of dominating is shown by means of strategies and references whose objective is to feed the simulation scheme, besides embarrassing and terrifying the pickers. In the action of the oppressed, immersed in a complete breakdown, the insults and offenses represent a way of expressing feelings and unbalanced emotions that pile up and explode with a call for a brutal act and lynching. All that is expressed through the language that gives life to the text, thanks to the authors ability in building up spontaneous dialogues that are very close to the real life.


impulse percurso path oppressor oprimido oppressed opressor impulsividade simulação simulation

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