The Development and the Use of Electronic Patients Promptuary: barriers and obstacles / O desenvolvimento e o uso do prontuário eletrônico do paciente: barreiras e obstáculos




The case study was used in this research work that had the purpose to reach a deeper knowledge about the development and use of the electronic patient record, taking in consideration basically their barriers and challenges. The electronic patient record (EPR) must be understood in its inter-relationship with other organizational actors, such as the Federal Medical Association, Regional Medical Association, representative members of society, in addition to the medical profession, especially physicians and health services providers. In order to accomplish the study objectives an attempt was made to a) use the Activity Theory to understand how the medical practice must be used and applied as a strategy for the development and use of technological tools in the health care field; b) know the evolution of development and use of the patient health record as registered in the literature, c): know, through representatives of CFM, CRM e other representative medical organizations what is the level of their participation and how are they involved and collaborating with the certification of electronic health applications, among other questions. A social and humanist approach to computational information systems was used in this research because it is believed that only through the social involvement and participation of individuals and groups in a process of participative and collaborative development it is possible to reach a technical solution that can have efficacy. The interview and the qualitative content analysis were used for the interpretation and analysis of data that were collected during the research development.


prontuário eletrônico do paciente desenvolvimento participativo e colaborativo de sistemas de informação prática médica administracao participatory and collaborative development information systems teoria da atividade activity theory electronic patients promptuary medical practice

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