The democratic legitimacy of the constitutional jurisdiction in the fulfillment of the social welfare rights / A legitimidade democrática da jurisdição constitucional na realização dos direitos fundamentais sociais




This essay The democratic legitimacy of the constitutional jurisdiction in the fulfillment of the social welfare rights tries to face the existing tension between the Judiciary and the Legislative and Executive Powers, which consists in a reflex of a social crises undergoing the Brazilian society. It looks forward to seeing in practice, not only the fundamental rights, but also social rights which demand positive action from the State to be applied. The objective of this work is to analyze the existing matters between the role of the constitutional jurisdiction and its counter majoritarian will to defend the fundamental rights and the democracy, opposing each other in a democratic state of rights, as well as the problems with having the fundamental social rights accomplished, which requests positive attitude from the State. Taking into consideration the historical experience of the American activism, as much as the peculiarities of the Brazilian constitution, it comes to the conclusion that the existing tension between the authority of the constitution, the fundamental rights and the democracy is just superficial, since the power of the constitution jurisdiction has an important role in the implementation of vital values found in the 1988 Federal Constitution, and, consequently in the fulfillment of the democracy. Therefore the judiciary, through the constitutional power, carries out a fundamental and active role, both political and social in the Brazilian society, interpreting granted social rights provided by the state, making them as effective as possible. This is the only way to reach justice and democracy, making Brazil a truly Democratic country.


direito poder judiciário democracia . direitos civis direitos humanos direito constitucional

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