The criminal law as essencial assurance: the new focus decurrent from globalization / O direito penal como garantia fundamental: o novo enfoque decorrente da globalização




This work discusses the garantism function of criminal law and the impact of the globalization process in its structure, with the purpose of detaching and accompanying the most evident and significant contributions of the garantism theory, even at the world risk society situation. The criminal law has been being remodeled by the new risk society behavior, based on the changes of the globalization process. The garantism can be understood as a critical theory of the Right that redefines the concepts of the constitutionalism, imputing to it substance. Three examples are presented to illustrate the efficiency of the garantism characteristics proposed. The analysis allows a description of the garantisms response for the criminal law harmonic development, even in situations in which quick Legislative and Judiciary answers are necessary. The figure of the judge must be valorized through the hermeneutical exercise. Reading over the Brazilian judicial ordering since the penal garantism theory, it establishes a new way to understand how a penal decision and/or a criminal law is produced.


constitution globalização risk society descriminalização harmonic development constituição garantism theory principles direito penal penal science and criminal law globalization criminalização

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