The contributions from Fundo Verde Amarelo over the companies that used this fund / As contribuições do Fundo Verde Amarelo para as empresas usuárias do fundo




FINEP is a Brazilian public company connected to the Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia (Technology and Sciences Ministry), which aims at promoting and financing the innovation and the scientific and technological research. From 1999 on, Science and Technology Sectorial Funds have been created, managed by FINEP, which are instruments of financing of research projects, development and innovation in the Country. There are 16 Sectorial Funds, where 14 are related to specific sectors and two are transversal lines. Of these, one is aimed at the university-company interaction (FVA - Fundo Verde-Amarelo). The present study identified the contributions from FVA over the companies, through a survey together companies that received contributions from FVA, considering those companies that finished their projects before April 2008. It was analyzed the profile of these companies and the competitive advantages got through developed project in cooperation with universities and research institutes, with financial from FVA. The idea of this study is the dissemination of results to incentivate the adhesion by a greater number of companies in cooperative projects for their products and processes on focus to innovation technology. This study hopes to contribute supplying additional information to the managers of FVA, that able to get better the fund management politic.


financial sources to innovation cooperação universidade-empresa fontes de fomento innovation technology cooperation industry-university inovação tecnológica

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