The contradiction in rural space tourism : life, work, income and excluxion / As contradições do turismo no espaço rural : vida, trabalho, renda e exclusão




The tourism in rural areas, specially the agro-tourism, intensifies in the society period called postmodem. Because, if during the Industrial Revolution there was kind of a domination from the cities on the rural activities, in a society characterized as postindustrial or postmodem, it seems to have a new appreciation on the countryside in function of its space be near to the nature, or in other way, the transformations that happened in its territory were smaller, at least apparently, comparing to the ones that happened on the urban spaces. The different modalities of the Tourism on the rural space are found by the agricultures as an income complementation in function from the changes that happened on this territory. In front ofthe importance attributed to the agro-tourism, the first hypotheses elaborated was based in that the agro-tourism contributes to improve the income, generates employment, create conditions to fix the rural population, values their culture and develop practices towards to the landscape appreciation and to the environment preservation. In this way, the agro-tourism appears as an altemative to the familiar farming. From this initial observations, as in Cunha, as in Santo Antonio do Pinhal, it was elaborated a hypotheses where the rural space, if, in one hand the tourism is an altemative to the familiar faming, in other hand is dislocating the countryside population because of the land valorization, that this activity provides. For the lack of altematives to stay in the countryside, the agriculturist sells his property, moves to the city or goes back working as an employee in his fotmer production unity. And who develops the tourism are the neo-rural, former city dwellers that come fixing residence in the countryside. It was aimed in the research analyzing the development from the touristy activities on the rural areas, in some cities from São Paulo State, seeking to understand in which way it can contribute to the local development and what is the role from the public policies the accomplishment. It was chosen the cities of Cunha, Santo Antonio do Pinhal and Louveira based on the criteria of possessing touristy activities in the rural space and the significant presence from the familiar farming. Actually, this research seek the tourism conditions and value on the rural space as a factor of man fixation on the countryside through the income and employment increasement, it didn t accomplish, with the exception on what was analyzed in Louveira. Instead of this, what was detected was the fact to the traditional framings giving space to the touristy activities in the way of small hostels on the rural space, developed by a population originated from other urban centers that searched for altematives activities and the peace from the countryside. It treats from a new category denominated by neo-rural, as example from what has happening on the Occidental Europe countries.


politicas publicas - cunha (sp) public policy tourism on rural space politicas publicas - louveira (sp) public policy public policy politicas publicas - santo antonio do pinhal (sp) rural development desenvolvimento rural - aspectos sociais turismo - zona rural

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