The communication process development of the mathematics meanings in the classroom / O desenvolvimento do processo de comunicação dos significados matemáticos em sala de aula




Starting from the principle that each of us possess a place from where to draw our perspectives on a subject, this work analyses the discursive exchanges between a dynamic system, constituted of the relationship professor-student, in which weve considered the multiple aspects or elements that exercise power over one another along the irreversible time in this particularly relation. In such way, the elements do not remain constants, but they move to the measure that interacts in the speech. The language conception adopted requires its comprehension as action and not merely as an instrument of reality representation. As shaped, this work conceives the speech as a cognitive act, in the way it analyses the attribution of distinct meanings to the significant, in this case, mathematics, consecrated by the scientific community. Thus, we undo the dichotomy cognition and communication in the undertaken analysis. Such case study is being held having for base the micro-analytical method, which adopted criterion are the agreements/disagreements between the participants of a classroom dialog on mathematics meanings. The videotaped dialog could be characterized in episodes based on different tasks or on a different manner of focusing the same task around an aspect of the focal question. Complementary, weve used the macroanalytical method with the purpose of proceeding a frequency analysis of the agreements/disagreements jointly with a conceptual analysis, when, at last, we could characterize the episode types. At last, weve verified in which way a type of episode predominates in the auto-organization of the system if constituted as an attractor. The episodes could be characterized in episodes of explanation, problem solving and abbreviation: the first one presented a predominance of agreements, as well as explanations on relative points to the focal question, where the meanings are established. The second one characterized itself as the one in which there is an increase of the number of disagreements in relation to the explanation episodes as well as a polarity of distinct meanings around the aspects of the question. The third distinguished as the one in which there is an absolute predominance of agreements, as well as a synthesis of divergent points previously established and worked, having this constituted into a pattern of communication, being considered a system attractor.


significados matemáticos communication math meanings psicologia cognitiva relationship professor-student relação professor-aluno comunicação

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