The collective buccal health from the point of view student of dentistry: research study. / A saúde bucal e coletiva na visão do estudante de odontologia: estudo de uma experiência.




Descriptive study of the way in which the Collective Buccal Health Project contributes in training the student taking the (Dentistry Course) at UNIT (Centro Universitário do Triângulo), in Uberlândia, M.G. Brazil, to work in buccal health at a collective level, guided by the principle of the One Way Health System, for health promoting itself and attention to family. The Project is based on the fact that health and sickness are caused by social, economic and cultural factors; and also influenced by dental services and by effective collective health measures. The implantation of healthy public polices being essencial, in both local and macrostructural levels. As to collective buccal health conceptions taught in dentistry, these are based on three outstanding authors in Brazilian literature. It takes into consideration the scope of the Project as seen by dental student, using two questionnaires permitting the caracterization of the Project in its pedagogic and operational aspects, its potencial and limitations delineating the social profile of the student. The results demonstrated that the Projet includes the student, who, in most cases, comes from wealthier social classes, in an economical, social and cultural reality very different from that to which they were accustomed- permitting contact with a section of the work force. Making them more aware of this strange reality. It is achieved in the first effective and practical contacts with aspects of collective buccal health and sociology. Even though the Project tries to demonstrate the advance of epidemiology and treatment of caries and new tendencies for acting in the health and buccal sicknesses process, specifying a prevention program being able to propose changes in the traditional odontologic model, it does not stimulate the student, like private clinical practice. Notwithstanding, it creates space in collective buccal health among discriminated and needy populations.


odontological teaching family health ensino odontológico saúde da família collective buccal health saúde bucal coletiva

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