The children´s perspective about their adoption process / A perspectiva da criança sobre seu processo de adoção




Research on adoption is usually characterized by studies that evaluate the children: they talk about the children but not with them. Few studies have investigated adoption from the children?s perspective. In this work, we highlight the idea that to be able to understand the adoption process, it is important to take into consideration the meanings attributed to adoption from those experiencing it. This research aimed at investigating the children?s narratives about their adoption process. A theoretical-methodological approach called Network of Meanings has guided the construction of this corpus and its analysis. We have talked with three children around 6 and 7 years-old, who have experienced late adoption. Six interviews were made with each child at their own home, having props as external cues. The adoptive parents were interviewed during one visit. The interviews were registered through audiotape, complemented by pictures of the children?s productions and field notes. The tapes were fully transcribed and revised. The analysis was based on the children?s narratives, parents?narratives, and field notes. We understand this investigation as a dialogic context where the narratives are constructed and situated at the relationship between researcher and participant. By narrating, the children constructed meanings about their life history and may have learned about themselves. From these children?s perspectives we found out about the dialectic and intrinsic relationship between the late adoption process and other contexts, such as foster-home institution, biologic family and Judiciary System. While the value of life history became evident, at the same time a past silencing process also became evident, constraining the practices related to the adoption process. Thus, by listening to these children, we recognized the necessity of pre and post-adoption family programs in which children and parents could have voice, respect and value for their life history, and in which their mutual expectations could be discussed at different moments.


narratives entrevistas com crianças adoption adoção interviews with children narrativas

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