The Carboxyl Terminus of v-Abl Protein Can Augment SH2 Domain Function


American Society for Microbiology


Abelson murine leukemia virus (Ab-MLV) transforms NIH 3T3 and pre-B cells via expression of the v-Abl tyrosine kinase. Although the enzymatic activity of this molecule is absolutely required for transformation, other regions of the protein are also important for this response. Among these are the SH2 domain, involved in phosphotyrosine-dependent protein-protein interactions, and the long carboxyl terminus, which plays an important role in transformation of hematopoietic cells. Important signals are sent from each of these regions, and transformation is most likely orchestrated by the concerted action of these different parts of the protein. To explore this idea, we compared the ability of the v-Src SH2 domain to substitute for that of v-Abl in the full-length P120 v-Abl protein and in P70 v-Abl, a protein that lacks the carboxyl terminus characteristic of Abl family members. Ab-MLV strains expressing P70/S2 failed to transform NIH 3T3 cells and demonstrated a greatly reduced capacity to mediate signaling events associated with the Ras-dependent mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase pathway. In contrast, Ab-MLV strains expressing P120/S2 were indistinguishable from P120 with respect to these features. Analyses of additional mutants demonstrated that the last 162 amino acids of the carboxyl terminus were sufficient to restore transformation. These data demonstrate that an SH2 domain with v-Abl substrate specificity is required for NIH 3T3 transformation in the absence of the carboxyl terminus and suggest that cooperativity between the extreme carboxyl terminus and the SH2 domain facilitates the transmission of transforming signals via the MAP kinase pathway.

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