The body-voice relation in teaching: a study with educators of the beggining years / A RELAÇÃO CORPO-VOZ NA DOCÊNCIA: UM ESTUDO COM PROFESSORAS DOS ANOS INICIAIS DO ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL




This work has been developed on the Research Area of Professional Development Knowledge of the Master Programm In Education at Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM- Brazil). The aim of this study is to investigate the body-voice relation on the teaching practice of educators that work with children in the beggining years. The body-voice relation is a mediator of their professional exercise and this study also analyses the perception these teachers have about their use of body and voice on teaching practice. The studies of Pacheco (1995), Tardif (2002), Schon (2000) have been the theoretical supports of this research. The methodology used is qualitative and the study method is the case study, with a multi-case approach. Three teachers of the beggining years in a public school participate of this research. To the better understanding of the teachers perception, the instruments of research were: observation, half-structured interview, diary, filming of classes, stimulated remembrance interview. For data systematization we chose the following aspects: (1) the perception of the teachers about their voice; (2) the perception of the teachers about their body; (3) the body and the voice of the teachers in the classroom, teaching. These aspects were essential to construct the analysis categories that constitute the final results. The conceptions and perceptions of the teachers about their voices and their bodies and the body-voice relation as a mediator instrument of their practice is a slowly constructed way. We believe this research may contribute as a possibility of construction of the teachers practice


formação de professores body practical knowledge instrumento mediador conhecimento prático voice voz corpo educators formation educacao mediator instrument

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