The black press of São Paulo between 1915 and 1937: features, changes and continuities / A imprensa negra paulista entre 1915 e 1937: características, mudanças e permanências




The aim of this master thesis is to show the role of Black Press as instrument of rights claiming and the struggle against social, political e economical exclusion of Brazilian black people in São Paulo in a time of fast urbanization and industrial growth. Considering the origins of that social exclusion, this paper intends to remember the role of Brotherhoods, Associations and former black journals as the initial process for fighting that exclusion. Nevertheless the chosen period for this research is between 1915 and 1937, when, besides the interest in congregating the blacks through education and other means, the Black Press starts claiming the rights that people should have as integrated citizens in São Paulo society and, as a consequence, in Brazilian society. The implementation of Estado Novo in 1937 determines the political parties shut down as well as the associations and journals associated to them, being this event the main reason the Historiography considers that year as the highlight of black journals decadence, so do their claims. However, we will try to demonstrate how the ideological disputes and struggle for power among the leaders, by the acting profile of journals, were crucial for the decadence of journals claiming approach, getting started quite before the Getúlio Vargas coup.


slavery escravidão jornais brazilian black people exclusão exclusion reivindicações journal negro claims

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