The Behavior of the Administrators of the State of Rio De Janeiro Front the Meetings / O comportamento dos administradores do Estado do Rio de Janeiro frente às reuniões de trabalho




This paper aims at studying the organizational phenomenon on work meetings. It has been analyzed how the business administrators - who live or work in the state of Rio de Janeiro, have been able to achieve satisfactory results in their meetings by using networks, especially e-mails and the internet as a tool of information technologies to decide processes, as well as have increased efficiency, which is a priority worldwide, and have, consequently, optimized the meetings. Although business meetings have a range of measurable parameters distinguishing them from one another, theoretically, some variables, such as communication, team work, decision making and information technologies may contribute to a better or worse performance of the professionals attending them. Based on the research which has been carried out with 68 business administrators who work in different areas, such as service industry, commerce and industry, it has been proved that 100% of these professionals consider it important to bring together people in order to work in teams, that normally vary from 4 to 8 people. According to what has been said by the professionals interviewed, those meetings should last, on average, one to three hours. A series of other characteristics of these meetings, as well as characteristics of the behavior of those attending the meetings has been unveiled throughout. Finally, the internet is a proven catalyst for saving time and money, which can be confirmed by the results: 93% of the people interviewed have answered that they do use electronic ways for internal communication; and 86% of the business administrators have reported that virtual interactions have been shown to be helpful and have shared the common objective of accelerating and enhancing human communications. By comparing the various tools available, we may conclude that e-mails, the intranet and video conferences are largely spread, what makes them a fundamental communication tool to accomplish a range of organizational goals.


trabalho em equipe enterprise communication administracao comunicação empresarial decision making. tomada de decisão team work

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