The basin Imboassu in São Gonçalo (RJ) unit as enabler of environmental education in the context of planning and land management / A bacia do Rio Imboassu, no município de São Gonçalo (RJ) como unidade viabilizadora da educação ambiental no contexto do planejamento e gestão ambiental


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Environmental problems are increasingly common and varying magnitudes and scales, affecting mainly the urban areas. Air pollution and water bodies, landslidesand floods are some of these adverse situations. São Gonçalo is no exception. Located in the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro, the city has exemplified with situations, especially in relation to degradation of urban rivers and floods affectingsome areas of the city. Based on the problems exposed, this research has as main objective to promote a reflective and theoretical discussion about the importance of effective environmental education with a focus on urban watershed, taking the river basin Imboassú in São Gonçalo ( RJ), such as clipping. The methodological foundation of this work is based in the environmental analysis that prioritizes environmental education and public participation in planning and management in order to minimize the number of imbalances and degradation that affect the basin. The operation took place as follows: initial analysis from the systematic diagnostic studies and consultation documents, reports, among other government agencies; interim analysis from the field observation of the current state of degradation of river basin Imboassú and identify the set of policies in force, integrated analysis - analysis of diagnostic studies, analyzing the current situation of the basin (on-site and documentary), the final analysis to identify gaps in management and viable proposals in the context of environmental education. It was found that the basin is urbanized and the rivers that make up the defaced and polluted, with a history of flooding. Lack of urban planning, environmental degradation and neglect of the public are some problems faced by residents of the basin, resulting in the disorder and lack of urban land quality of life. In this light, it is clear the need to create mechanisms that mitigate this degradation and bring balance to the function and dynamics of the basin, positively influencing the lives of the residents inside. An efficient way to promote such change is the environmental education as a basis for transformation of society, making them aware of their role in participatory and modifying the way it relates to the environment. It was found that in practice the government did not effectively present the assumptions, both in environmental legislation, as in the municipal master plan and some organs (CEDAE, INEA, SEMMA) do not work satisfactorily. So raise the discussion of the importance of environmental education as public policy to be promoted by municipal and point to the participation and performance in a critical society in the structuring of urban space is extremely important to promote better value society - environment


bacia hidrográfica. unidade especial de análise. rios urbanos. problemas urbanos. ensino fundamental e médio geografia fisica river basin. spatial unit of analysis. urban rivers. urban problems. elementary and secundary education

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