The archeology of language in Giambattista Vico / A arqueologia da linguagem em Giambattista Vico




This work is the result of the research developed about the conception of the certum in Giambattista Vico. Our interest was to found, in the various philosophical writings of G. Vico (1668-1744), a new way of understanding the original conception of the thinker about knowledge and how he worked and seized this vision of the world, unlike the traditional view which gave a logical value to the way of knowing before the true and false. Vico conceived the knowledge both as certum and verum, highlighting the original role of certum. This new way of perceiving the order of certum gives to the Vico´s knowing its own logic: the logic of credible. The credibility is treated like the element which leads us to the certainty before the exclusion of all mathematical accuracy given to knowledge in providing the possibility of reaching it in its uncertain scope and / or its uncertain boundaries.


certainty certeza imaginação linguagem history verdade história language truth imagination

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