The Amazon region : structure and dynamics of Rondonia`s economy / Região Amazonica : estrutura e dinamica na economia de Rondonia (1970-2003)




The aim of this work is to analyze the structure and dynamics of the economy in the State of Rondonia in the period 1970 ? 2005. We analyze the nature and trajectory of the development in Rondonia, taking as an analytical focus its historical process of economic growth. In this period, there are two sub-periods: the agriculture colonization and the sustainable development. In general terms, the thesis presents the historical background of Amazonia Development and the transformations of this process up to the present time in Rondonia. In the end, we appoint some suggestions to the formulation of public policies of regional development for Amazonia and Rondonia


economics economia - amazonia economics economia - rondonia reginonal development desenvolvimenro regional - amazonia

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