The aging of hospitalized individuals who suffer from chronic mental disease / O envelhecimento do doente mental crônico institucionalizado




This work is the result of a study among thirteen old individuals with chronic mental disease who are residents at the Institution of Rehabilitation and Prevention in Health Indaia located in Indaiatuba city, São Paulo state. The objective of this study was to delineate the social and demographic profiles of patients who get old as interns in Psychiatric Clinics, identifying the reasons for being hospitalized and checking if they are able to understand their aging process and the family itself. The study followed the qualitative approach and its main line was the descriptive research. A bibliographical research to gather information about the patients and delineate them into their social and demographic profiles was done. Additional information was got from structured interviews made with them. These interviews were all recorded and transcribed for further analysis. The information was grouped into categories according to the delineated objectives which led us to some conclusions. The patients were between 60 to 69 years old but the average was between 62 to 63 years old. Most of them were women, making 69,2% of them. About 84,01% of them turned residents before the age of sixty. The schizophrenia and the organic psychoses were the psychiatric disease that predominated among them. In the qualitative analysis we noticed a rupture in their bibliographies because of being living far from their families and being far from the real life, so It was noticed short dialogues with no meanings and brief speeches. Nowadays many Psychiatric Institutions maintain people with chronic mental disease as residents, because themdont have politica, social an familiar support


doentes mentais crônicos envelhecimento instituto de reabilitacao e prevencao em saude indaia (indaiatuba, sp) institucionalização servico social hospitalized aging doentes mentais -- cuidado e tratamento chronic mental disease

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