The "adhemarista" representation through the cinematographic language (1947-1956) / Um bandeirante nas telas de São Paulo: o discurso adhemarista em cinejornais (1947-1956)




Since 1946 the democratization of political participation has aimed reaching the electors in a wider way. As an example of this we have studied the visibility of the political campaigns of Adhemar Barros in São Paulo. The media vehicle was inspired and tested in a dictatorial context (that was recent at the time) and it gave life to his speech: the newsreel. In this case it was the newsreel Bandeirante da Tela of the Divulgação Cinematográfica Bandeirante. Its propaganda content - which was presented as news - bears signs and latent values of the society in question. This makes it is possible for us to study and read again, analyzing the "adhemarista" representation through the cinematographic language, a political moment still unknown to the Cultural History. In this case a Cultural History of the Politics.


bandeirantismo newsreel populism adhemarismo política bandeirantismo adhemarismo cinema politic populismo cinejornal cinema

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