Textos visuais em exercÃcios de livros didÃticos




Together with the advance of technology, in particular, with the arrival of internet, new ways of interaction have been imposed to the contemporary man, including the school space. Despite the different technological resources that the school offers, for example: TV, overhead projector, computers, DVD, datashow, etc., the didactic book (DB) still has the main role in the Brazilian school scenario due to its important function in the studentsâ knowledge construction process. This way, it was elected as the objective of this investigative research, which visual texts are more seeing in the activities section and verify in what functions they are used in the exercises observing the linguistics signs (words, expressions) in the questions , that would lead to the visual text. To this investigation, it was chosen, to take part of the corpus of this research, didactic books from elementary school (fifth grade) of: Portuguese, Math, History and Science. This dissertation is organized in three chapters. The First Chapter â Notions of Language, Text, Text Gender and Multimodality â explains and extends the notion of language, text, text-gender and multimodality that guides this research. On Chapter two â The Image on Didactic Manuals: a Historical Route â analyzes the centralization of the DB in the classroom and draws a historical route of the investment of the Brazilian Government and publishers on the update of the didactic manuals and also analyzes how the insert of images on the didactic books is in accordance with the new technologies. On Chapter three â What text genders do and tell on the section of activities on the didactic books â the data is verified starting from the Theory of Multimodality, presenting the description of visual text that is on the section of exercises of the didactic books analyzed, verifies and analyses the use of command verbs of the exercises and characterize the functions of visual texts on these books. We noticed that the visual texts that appeared most on the section of activities of the analyzed manuals are: illustrations, photography and maps. The illustration was the most found on Math books, photography and maps appeared the most on History books. In relation to the use of visual texts on the DBs, we conclude that on the History books, the map and photography are resources used as a base to solve exercises, maintaining the dialogue with the question. It was verified that the illustration is used on the Math DB with two functions: as a base to solve exercises and as an adornment for the questions and activities. Something different happens to the science books in which the illustrations guide the students in the resolution of the activities, helping him on the knowledge construction


percepÃÃo visual linguÃstica exercises livros didÃticos visual text didactic book linguistica

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