TESTEMUNHO, MÍDIA E PROSPERIDADE: o evangelho segundo o capitalismo neoliberal / TESTIMONY, MIDIA AND PROSPERITY: the gospel according to neo-liberal capitalism




This work entails a study on the religious discourse of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God, drawn by the analysis of the testimony of members of this church, publicized at the section Overcoming of the "Folha Universal" newspaper. The core of these discussions is focused on the notion of changes in the discursive practices, proposed by Fairclough (2001, 2008), according to which the social activities of education, medical, and religion, for example, are fruits of this market invasion and resulting of the pressure so that these institutions evolve with new activities that are defined mostly by news discursive practives (such as marketing). This author complements stating that the colonization of the existing activities by external speeches as the one of publicity provokes relexicalization of activities and relations. As an example, the author mentions some kinds of relexicalizations which happen in the teaching field, where learners are seen as consumers or clients and the courses as packages or products. It also stands out a more subtle restructuring of the discursive practices of education types of speech (genders, styles, etc.) that are therefore used (FAIRCLOUGH, 2008, p.25). It is used as a theoretical and methodological foundation, the Critical Discourse Analysis. We focus this research on the changes in the domain of the religious discourse, its constitution in the posmodern heterogeneity, and on the way the other discourse, specially of publicity (in the midia), have framed their style and identity.


critical discourse analysis letras midia discurso religioso análise crítica do discurso mídia theology of prosperity neopentecostalism religious discourse testemunho teologia da prosperidade neopentecostalismo testimony

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