Tessitura de Saberes Ambientais e EcoprÃxis no Movimento PrÃ-parque Lagoa de Itaperaoba, em Fortaleza / The environmental knowledge weaving and ecoprÃxis in the Movimento PrÃ-parque Lagoa de Itaperaoba, in Fortaleza


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The central discussion in this study is the environmental knowledge weaving in the everyday group and its popular social embodiment by the authors, the ecoprÃxis. Therefore, the overall goal is to understand the relationship between environmental knowledge in weaving the Movimento PrÃ-parque Lagoa de Itaperaoba and the formation of environmental popular authors. The theoretical options enabled the enhancement of dialogue between knowledge and the unity relationship between objectivity and subjectivity of human life. This research was supported by the Environmental Education Dialogic on the theme of creation, experience and embodiment of knowledge in the popular every day, in the mold of dialogic intervention as a means of being more exciting in the field and the experience of a relationship researchers and collaborators to enrich the learning process of knowledge. The search was conducted with participants in the Movimento PrÃ-parque Lagoa de Itaperaoba, located in the neighborhood called Serrinha, in Fortaleza, from July 2008 to February 2011. It is essentially a qualitative study, based on intense interaction with employees through participant observation. The methodological approach condenses investigative and formative dimensions, development of partner knowledge, made possible by the interfaces between the Eco-Relational Perspective and the approach of Life Stories in Education, which inspired the Ecobiographical Circle achievement with adaptations to the purpose of research and collaborative group dynamics. The ecobiographical narratives are emphasized in its intersection with the popular group, to realize the embodiment of knowledge. The reflections enable by this study indicate that environmental education along with popular groups can be increased considering the existing knowledge in these contexts. In this sense, formative elements, from the social author (s) individually or those witch happen from their collective articulation, should be considered as support for the emergence and strengthening of environmental knowledge, which are interrelated to social problems experienced in communities. This perspective strengthens the recognition of the interdependence of subjectivity (in the sense of identification and recognition of knowledge by the social authors) with the objectivity (expression, objectification of these knowledge in attitudes and conscious actions) of everyday life.


educacao saberes ambientais educaÃÃo ambiental autor ambiental grupos populares environmental knowledge environmental education environmental author popular groups movimento prÃ-parque lagoa de itaperaoba itaperaoba,lagoa de(ce) - aspectos ambientais movimento ecolÃgico - serrinha(fortaleza,ce) educaÃÃo ambiental - serrinha(fortaleza,ce) participaÃÃo social - serrinha(fortaleza,ce) grupos sociais

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